Thursday, October 27, 2011

Getting back into blogging

Everybody does it. They go on a hiatus, and put their blog on hold. I have NO idea what has been stopping me lately, its not like I'm not around the computer for at least an hour a day.

So what do you try to do to get yourself back into blogging on a regular basis?
Set a reminder on your phone? Tried that, I just ignore it.
I haven't really been taking pictures, so I can't really post them like that.
I think I could just write a WHOLE bunch of posts and just time them so they get posted at different times.
Should I start a challenge again? maybe the 365 Photo challenge?

Anyways; here's a life update;

 I got a roommate, and Josh moved in as well. Currently for animals we have Three cats; Corona (My roommate's cat), James and Tybalt, and then we have my ferret Rikki, and my Terrarium full of garden snails. Having three cats in the house certainly is different, considering they're all extremely different in personalities.

Corona will have an opinion on everything possible

Tybalt is the same as always and always getting into tons of trouble he knows he shouldn't be getting into.

And James is our neurotic kitty. He gets upset over EVERYTHING. At least he isn't scared of us anymore. He also hisses at his tail and chases it. It's quite amusing watching him get so angry.

I've been working midnights at McDonald's, and I seriously love it. I didn't expect to when I first started, but I think I'll be sticking around there for as long as I can. The pay sucks and so do the hours kind of. I get more training and hours than your average part time employee, because I work the midnights, so it's nice. Buuut I get to see people make themselves look like tools and people stoop to their lowest and try to mooch for anything free they can get.. so it pays off.
As for schooling; I don't know what in the world I want to do. I want to join the military reserves to become a cook. I've really taken an interest in cooking. I just need more training and somebody to teach me. I also need a working oven that can actually bake.

Anyhow, I'm going to go look up different photography challenges and we'll see if by my next post I've figure out what I wanna do on the side to motivate me.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The person you do the most ****** up things with?

 The person you do the most ***** up things with?
That's easy. Sydnaw.

These are all perfectly good examples.

There aren't even pictures of some of our adventures. 

When I eventually go to the US to visit chaos will ensue. :D

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The person who has gotten me through the most?

Hey guys; I'm sorry I've been gone for so long. Just really haven't been taking pictures or doing much that has been blog worthy. I got a job at Mcdonald's and I actually love working there. The shift I have is filled with awesome people. :D
I figured I would get into blogging again with the 30 day challenge. Even though it's seeming like the 30 week challenge...

Hmm; well I haven't really been through that much stuff, personally. I'm glad I've had a fairly comfortable life and I'm very thankful for that.When I need something or need to sort a lot of things out, I usually go to my sister. She's always there to help me out. I hope she knows how much it means to me to have somebody like that.

Whenever something goes wrong, Meghan usually fixes it for me. She also manages to keep me in line, most of the time. Like most siblings, we were not very close for a few years but in the past little bit I can easily say she's one of my best friends. The things we do together are a hoot and I couldn't think of a better person to hang out with. :)

If only she'd start blogging more! 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

When I grow up...

When I grow up, I wanna be a barrel racer. It looks like so much fun! 

The gallop face

I often got pictures like these, chasing a really fast horse with a camera on burst is hard!
These were all taken at the Rock n Horse Fest. ...The best part of it was the barrel racing. The rodeo and shows were kind of a bust, sadly. Better luck next year.

I made my way out to the barn with a certain friend for some shenanigans that were to be had.

I also went and cuddled Stormy
and chased off this fellow, Sebastian.

So lady like, Syd.


Tolerant Indigo is Tolerant

The "confession" grainbin.

I forget this things name, Herbert?

We also demolished an xBox, but we can't disclose the demolition location.

That's been my life lately. I'm going to try hard to turn Joshua into a cowboy. I promise.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Art

Here's some new art of mine.
Who needs extra colours when you can just go monochromatic? :D

I quite like how I pulled this one off. 
(this one isn't really new but you haven't seen it.)

I hope you enjoy.
Also, I made a little comic strip. Which depicts what happened to me earlier today.
I'm not very creative cause it came from an internet trend, but oh well.

Hope your retinas weren't burned by looking at these pictures.

I Miss Summer.

Dear Summer,

Some of us are patiently urgently awaiting your arrival... 

Well considering within one week I had all my windows open and was overheating to having to close all the windows and turning up the heat and hiding under blankets to warm up, I don't think that summer in Essex County is gonna turn into nice summer temperatures and stay there for a long time...

I miss nice sunsets and fishing and running around the county in a tank top and shortshorts.

Please hurry up. I need to be less pale.

Oh yeah. Totally unrelated to this topic but my sister made a blog.
She's not nearly as intelligent or interesting or humourous as I am, but give her blog a look.

I'll try and blog more, I promise.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Puppies, Puppies, Puppies.

One of my good friends breeds Papillons, and I don't think I have to say much about how adorable these pups are. The pictures can speak for themselves.

And then There's Kai, the pick of the litter.

This is Kai at about 8-9 weeks old.

 She's quite the quick learner.

 This is Mia, My cousin's new Jack Russel pup.

Looking at all these puppies and playing with them makes me kind of want my own. And then I remember the great old dog I rescued and didn't have to potty train or crate train or teach tricks. All I have to do is spend a nice calm night with her and never want another dog ever again.

She was perfect from the moment I got her. 

I love my puppy.